Other projects

Besides the ones listed on their own, I worked on a number of smaller projects or projects that I only had a small part in. This is not a complete list by any means!

Kleine Löschmeister (2019)

I made the music for this little educational game about fire safety created by Daedalic Bavaria in 2019. It was nominated for Best Serious Game at the German computer game awards 2020. Check it out on Google Play!

The Ballad Singer (2018)

I made the sounddesign for this beautiful visual novel from Italy back in 2018. Check it out on Steam!

The Forest’s Eye (2017)

I created the music and sounddesign for this massive, permanent installation created by Nabu Germany as part of a larger forest preservation and education project. It’s a small building situated in a local forest dubbed the ‘jungle outside the city’ which allows users to fast-forward through the forest’s different seasons on a 360° screen, accompanied by an adaptive soundtrack and soundscapes I recorded in that very forest. I uploaded some of the excess material to my freesound profile.

Behind the Audio (2017–2019)

From 2017 to 2019, I worked as an editor for the Behind the Audio blog, YouTube channel, and podcast. I wrote articles and conducted interviews with some high-profile composers, mostly centered around video game soundtracks.

Indie Arena Booth trailers (2016)

As a massive fan of indie games and the Indie Arena Booth to this day, I was very excited to contribute both the cut and music for its trailers back in 2016. The booth was still small at the the time compared to what it would become in the following years.

Shift Happens (2015)

This physics-based coop platformer by Klonk Games already had its music and most of its sound design when I got on board. In 2015, I was tasked with creating the sound effects for all of its cutscenes as well as recording and editing the two main characters’ voices (spoken by two members of the dev team). Check the game out on Steam!

The Zwuggels – A Beach Holiday Adventure (2014)

I created the full soundtrack and sounddesign for this cute mobile game by ploosh back in 2014 and 2015. Check it out on their website or get it on Android or iOS!